anwar got me thinking.
i woke up the other morning,blank-- from a blurry dream full of sketchy characters and images spinning in my head. and the only significant image that had remained stuck there in my memory slot for me to recall,much later, was a pic of anwar's potrait shot in the newspaper, and he was in a bad health condition, with blue-blacks all over his face, as though he'd been badly beaten up by someone. yes, it's our very own datuk anwar ibrahim. the ex-prime minister of malaysia, in my dreams. It's not a big deal that i'd dreamt of him, but to my surprise, i went to lunch the same day and saw that his pic was on the paper that the man beside me's reading~ just like in my dreams, ofcourse, without the bruises. phew..
So the news is that Anwar's been released.i'm glad Now, i'm not a person that's been exposed to politics much, nor do i even give a shit to care about it at the mean time, i always think it's too much of a mask to wear in this stupid game---stupid game that gains u fame n fortune...mostly stinking ones. anyways, the exception today is, i do have my perception on this case, and these are the things that triggered me to write today.
indirectly, i can say that i know Anwar. well, who doesnt? okay,now my dad's the one who knows him. Dad used to be one of the prison mates of him during their detention under the ever powerful and fucking stupidly mis-used Act, called the Internal-Security-Act, few decades back right after my dad had just graduated from UM.from wat i see, i believe they are old friends that dont see each other often, but still do care.
u say that i have been influenced, to side and to decide to favor anwar, but think again, have you not been influenced as well? to side the Other side?
now if you'd asked me, merely from wat i have seen with my own eyes, heard by my own ears, through these years, the case was a ridiculous joke and i shall not list the flaws of the accusation in this article since it's already so widely known all over the world, just we malaysians are the ones who were cut off from knowing too much. anyways, the objective is, i'm not here to talk about the trial of our ex-prime minister , nor to talk about the adult-game which is called Politics.i dont wanna end up being detained by some silly act.
Anwar's release got me thinking: Why, even if it's true( i dont think it's true, but anyways), is a person practising a little bit of so-called unnatural sexual behaviour, being testified and judged so heavily and becomes such a big deal and that he's getting such a heavy sentence? while rapists just get some whips on the ass, some jail- time, and they're out before you can even say "I" ?compared to the attention of the authourity given, isnt it ironic that rapists and even killers are allowed to still roam the streets and stroll around looking for preys everytime?regardless of day or night? isnt it ironic that every day, and i dare to say, every fucking day, you flip open the newspaper, and may i quote vincent" SURE THERE IS A RAPE CASE. be it incest, kidnap and rape, rape and murder, or anything else you can think of,..yeah, fucking goats, that's creative, until i read the article 2 weeks ago. ironic~ and here we are, all focused on trying to frame or to get who and who into jail, just because it's the accusation of sodomy, god damn it. we are all worried for our daughters, sisters, and friends whom we care about everytime we hear that they are going out. hell, we are also worried for our granmas~! if you know wat i mean.
ofcourse. i do understand that it's always easier to look and talk about it, rather than being the person that actually is In the situation, but it's very clear, to me ,that the attention that should be focused on curing our streets of lusty fuckers that cant even find a proper way of letting IT out.morover pay for a cheap whore, is simply just diverted too much away, rapists should get their willies de-skinned the way a snake changes its skin, then chopped off,diced and minced and stuffed right into their own mouth, in the name of Law.
well, the main thing that i want to address is, that our security all over the country is, i feel near code-red. ofcourse i cant really think of a so-called good solution to solve it, but hey, it seems to me that our beloved authorities havent even taken any significant approach too aye?no, banning techno songs in pubs are not considered a "bright" move. Now the other thing that i wanna say here is, all my friends, take care and stay alert.
i'm glad that anwar had finally obtained his freedom. not that there's any visible advantage to me that i can see, but i'm just glad to know that the innocent ultimately out-survived a false accusation. and GIRLS, take care.please. in danger, aim for where a guy uses to think---guys think with their balls.