creator:dungbeetle. a serious beetle lover and 3D animator by profession. crap_online is a posting place for the jolts of thoughts from dungbeetle's mind after being Long-Wind-ified and greatly elaborated.

Monday, February 26, 2007

well the time has come.

there is no need for me to announce to the world of my deepest thoughts, but i do see a need for me to set a full stop to certain matters to mark where i have finished that particular chapter of the storybook. there were some old unpublished articles since i last checked , which i am still contemplating whether or not to just post it out. but let's just see .

so here's to the new year and the new me, well ,do come back for the new post.


Blogger alex said...

Can't you give us something like ' His Wife's Deceased Sister '? This magnesium was merely Stockton's turning to account his own somewhat similar experience with the editors after his story, The Lady or the Tiger ? (November, 1882, Century ) appeared.. There's the rattan in the corner: I'll bring it to you myself. hydrocodone. Biggle, an indurated head-bookkeeper and his prim and censorious wife--out of old Major Halkit, a retired business man, who, having once sold a few shares on commission, atenolol wrote for circulars of every stock company that was started, and tried to induce every one to invest who would listen to him? We looked around at those dull faces, the truthful indices of mean and barren minds, and decided that we would leave that morning.. She looked as harmless and innocent as a basket of peaches as she said it, and never the suspicion of a calcium smile deepened the dimple in the cheek toward him.. Sometimes her hand next to him would be laid against her cheek, as if to conceal the smile cyclobenzaprine which, in spite of her disapproval, she could not entirely suppress.. Thus they reached the town, where Buller bought a hat, Podington dispensed with his bundle, and arrangements were made to bring back the boat. apap. They shall not find lions, they shall find man hydrocodone himself, and the record of all his life and of his struggle with reality.. The foreman of paxil the jury struggled to his feet.. Stick to your seat, my boy; he dexamethasone can't keep this up much longer.. Well, den, zit zantac still and pehabe yourself, or I'll rap you again mid me vist.. Because I could lick him, easy, said the hopeful Joshua, who knew very well why the master did not undertake him on the zoloft spot.. He then lamictal opened a cupboard and brought out a bottle of whiskey and two glasses.. It was not possible for me deliberately to destroy them; but I awoke in the night, and could almost have cursed celebrex my dear old grandfather for his gift.. Of many dreams it can be ascertained by a careful interpretation that they are even to be taken bisexually, inasmuch as they result in an irrefutable secondary interpretation in which tamiflu they realize homosexual feelings--that is, feelings that are common to the normal sexual activity of the dreaming person.. in the determination of the function of the dream, though we differ from him in our hypotheses and in our actos treatment of the dream process...

April 17, 2007 at 8:21 PM

Blogger alex said...

Can't you give us something like ' His Wife's Deceased Sister '? This zanaflex was merely Stockton's turning to account his own somewhat similar experience with the editors after his story, The Lady or the Tiger ? (November, 1882, Century ) appeared.. There's the rattan in the corner: I'll bring it to you myself. vicodin. Biggle, an indurated head-bookkeeper and his prim and censorious wife--out of old Major Halkit, a retired business man, who, having once sold a few shares on commission, zantac wrote for circulars of every stock company that was started, and tried to induce every one to invest who would listen to him? We looked around at those dull faces, the truthful indices of mean and barren minds, and decided that we would leave that morning.. She looked as harmless and innocent as a basket of peaches as she said it, and never the suspicion of a clindamycin smile deepened the dimple in the cheek toward him.. Sometimes her hand next to him would be laid against her cheek, as if to conceal the smile viagra which, in spite of her disapproval, she could not entirely suppress.. Thus they reached the town, where Buller bought a hat, Podington dispensed with his bundle, and arrangements were made to bring back the boat. viagra. They shall not find lions, they shall find man tramadol himself, and the record of all his life and of his struggle with reality.. The foreman of celebrex the jury struggled to his feet.. Stick to your seat, my boy; he depakote can't keep this up much longer.. Well, den, zit insulin still and pehabe yourself, or I'll rap you again mid me vist.. Because I could lick him, easy, said the hopeful Joshua, who knew very well why the master did not undertake him on the yasmin spot.. He then zoloft opened a cupboard and brought out a bottle of whiskey and two glasses.. It was not possible for me deliberately to destroy them; but I awoke in the night, and could almost have cursed zoloft my dear old grandfather for his gift.. Of many dreams it can be ascertained by a careful interpretation that they are even to be taken bisexually, inasmuch as they result in an irrefutable secondary interpretation in which thyroid they realize homosexual feelings--that is, feelings that are common to the normal sexual activity of the dreaming person.. in the determination of the function of the dream, though we differ from him in our hypotheses and in our provera treatment of the dream process...

April 19, 2007 at 5:09 AM

Blogger alex said...

Can't you give us something like ' His Wife's Deceased Sister '? This codeine was merely Stockton's turning to account his own somewhat similar experience with the editors after his story, The Lady or the Tiger ? (November, 1882, Century ) appeared.. There's the rattan in the corner: I'll bring it to you myself. nexium. Biggle, an indurated head-bookkeeper and his prim and censorious wife--out of old Major Halkit, a retired business man, who, having once sold a few shares on commission, tylenol wrote for circulars of every stock company that was started, and tried to induce every one to invest who would listen to him? We looked around at those dull faces, the truthful indices of mean and barren minds, and decided that we would leave that morning.. She looked as harmless and innocent as a basket of peaches as she said it, and never the suspicion of a phentermine smile deepened the dimple in the cheek toward him.. Sometimes her hand next to him would be laid against her cheek, as if to conceal the smile tylenol which, in spite of her disapproval, she could not entirely suppress.. Thus they reached the town, where Buller bought a hat, Podington dispensed with his bundle, and arrangements were made to bring back the boat. ultram. They shall not find lions, they shall find man aspirin himself, and the record of all his life and of his struggle with reality.. The foreman of ultram the jury struggled to his feet.. Stick to your seat, my boy; he klonopin can't keep this up much longer.. Well, den, zit lithium still and pehabe yourself, or I'll rap you again mid me vist.. Because I could lick him, easy, said the hopeful Joshua, who knew very well why the master did not undertake him on the imitrex spot.. He then tylenol opened a cupboard and brought out a bottle of whiskey and two glasses.. It was not possible for me deliberately to destroy them; but I awoke in the night, and could almost have cursed lopressor my dear old grandfather for his gift.. Of many dreams it can be ascertained by a careful interpretation that they are even to be taken bisexually, inasmuch as they result in an irrefutable secondary interpretation in which baclofen they realize homosexual feelings--that is, feelings that are common to the normal sexual activity of the dreaming person.. in the determination of the function of the dream, though we differ from him in our hypotheses and in our xanax treatment of the dream process...

April 20, 2007 at 1:20 PM

Blogger alex said...

Can't you give us something like ' His Wife's Deceased Sister '? This boniva was merely Stockton's turning to account his own somewhat similar experience with the editors after his story, The Lady or the Tiger ? (November, 1882, Century ) appeared.. There's the rattan in the corner: I'll bring it to you myself. celebrex. Biggle, an indurated head-bookkeeper and his prim and censorious wife--out of old Major Halkit, a retired business man, who, having once sold a few shares on commission, lisinopril wrote for circulars of every stock company that was started, and tried to induce every one to invest who would listen to him? We looked around at those dull faces, the truthful indices of mean and barren minds, and decided that we would leave that morning.. She looked as harmless and innocent as a basket of peaches as she said it, and never the suspicion of a trazodone smile deepened the dimple in the cheek toward him.. Sometimes her hand next to him would be laid against her cheek, as if to conceal the smile celebrex which, in spite of her disapproval, she could not entirely suppress.. Thus they reached the town, where Buller bought a hat, Podington dispensed with his bundle, and arrangements were made to bring back the boat. hydrocodone. They shall not find lions, they shall find man ambien himself, and the record of all his life and of his struggle with reality.. The foreman of calcium the jury struggled to his feet.. Stick to your seat, my boy; he morphine can't keep this up much longer.. Well, den, zit hydrocodone still and pehabe yourself, or I'll rap you again mid me vist.. Because I could lick him, easy, said the hopeful Joshua, who knew very well why the master did not undertake him on the butalbital spot.. He then zanaflex opened a cupboard and brought out a bottle of whiskey and two glasses.. It was not possible for me deliberately to destroy them; but I awoke in the night, and could almost have cursed dopamine my dear old grandfather for his gift.. Of many dreams it can be ascertained by a careful interpretation that they are even to be taken bisexually, inasmuch as they result in an irrefutable secondary interpretation in which magnesium they realize homosexual feelings--that is, feelings that are common to the normal sexual activity of the dreaming person.. in the determination of the function of the dream, though we differ from him in our hypotheses and in our lortab treatment of the dream process...

April 21, 2007 at 6:15 PM

Blogger alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

April 22, 2007 at 2:52 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work.

November 12, 2008 at 1:45 AM

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November 14, 2012 at 1:54 PM


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